A Journey in Colorful Solar, Ep. 1 – My new colleagues and workspace
This is the first episode of my weekly article series. To read the pilot, please go to this link.
My very first day at Kameleon Solar was just perfect. The building looks great on the outside, with our new logo standing above the main entrance and inviting me inside.
I mean, just look at this logo, isn’t it great? I think this chameleon, nicknamed Leon, is in itself a piece of art. Leon is so bright and colorful, showcasing all the great potential in the variety of colored solutions provided by Kameleon Solar.
As soon as you go in, the mural brings you into the forest – you can almost smell it. The whole office is decorated with beautiful reproductions of the possibilities of colored solar panel technologies, of which the employees, my new colleagues, are very proud. Many of the technologies for colored PV modules available here were developed in-house.
I could not help but take pictures all around me, that’s just what I do when I feel surrounded by beauty, by art. Melanie, who works in administration, welcomed me warmly and was very helpful in showing me around and providing the house rules. After I told Kevin, my manager, that I had read them, he asked me if the procedure to complain about him was clear… go figure! I think this shows a great deal of empathy and commitment to the happiness of the employees.
At Kameleon Solar, office doors are always open. People seem to feel genuinely at ease; the first general impression is that of a close-knit family that has lunch together every day and collaborates to achieve the same goal. The soul of this community is composed of the office employees and the production workers, which are strictly connected and depend on each other.
During my first week, I have been walking in and out of the production facility, trying to understand the theory and practice of making solar panels. I learned that there are several stages in the procedure that happen at different stations in the factory and require sharp eyes and concentration. I think I will write an article on the production of these various colored solar panels, let me know if you’d be interested!
And, by the way, the production facility also has a very atelier-look, with naked and colored solar panels displayed on both sides of the hall.
So, these are some first impressions of the workspace and the feeling of the office. Tomorrow, I will share some of the projects and developments we’re working on. There’s just too much to say in this first week!
More colorful days to come, stay tuned!
Martina Mori